* Upgrade to 91.1.60-pre
* AnyCPU - Use the new CefRuntime.SubscribeAnyCpuAssemblyResolver method
Now CefSharp.dll is an AnyCPU dll the code for AnyCPU dll resolution can be added to the library.
Exact same code, just included in CefSharp.dll
* Upgrade to 91.1.160
* Upgrade to 91.1.210
* Upgrade to v88.2.40-pre
WPF - Add https scheme to default URL to workaround upstream issue
* Net Core - Add AnyCPU Platform to projects/solution
* Net Core - Add RuntimeIdentifier based on PlatformTarget
- Set RuntimeIdentifier based on PlatformTarget (PlatformTarget isn't set of AnyCPU)
- Set SelfContained to false so as not to provide a Framework Dependant build (don't include the whole .net framework)
* WPF/WinForms - Change CefSharpBuildAction to Content
For testing of ClickOnce publish
* Net 5.0 - Update to include PublishSingleFile settings
- .Net 5.0 Publish Settings for PublishSingleFile
Defaults differ compared to .Net Core 3.1
- Set RollForward to Major so runs on newer runtime version
- Add net5.0-windows TargetFramework
* .Net 5.0 - Publish Single Exe Example
- Use the main application exe as the BrowserSubprocess when self publishing a .Net 5.0 exe
- Only the WPF and WinForms examples have been updated
* Upgrade to 88.2.90
* Upgrade to 87.1.12-CI3846
- Upgrade to Net Core 3.1 (Required to use new Net Core packages)
- Migrate to NetCore specific pages
* Upgrade to 87.1.130-pre
* OffScreen - Remove UseWindowsForms from csproj file
No longer required as we use the Drawing nuget package
Also causes a problem with Console.ReadLine
* README.md - Update Net Core Section
* WinForms - Add new SdkStyle .Net 4.7.2 project and solution
TODO: Add OffScreen and WPF project files
* Upgrade to 87.1.131-pre
* Upgrade to 87.1.132
Eliminates the requirements for .Net 4.5.2, the application exe is used as the browsersubprocess.
Additional manual import of CefSharp.BrowserSubProcess.Core is required see csproj file for example
TODO: OffScreen version is crashing on exit so it's been updated, it just isn't using itself as the BrowserSubProcess
Still need to investigate a better method of waiting for render to complete as Thread.Sleep is crude