226 lines
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226 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include "pch.h"
#include <WexTestClass.h>
#include "CalcViewModel\Common\EngineResourceProvider.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace CalculatorApp;
using namespace CalculationManager;
static constexpr size_t MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 20;
namespace CalculatorUnitTests
class CalcEngineTests
m_resourceProvider = make_shared<EngineResourceProvider>();
m_history = make_shared<CalculatorHistory>(CM_STD, MAX_HISTORY_SIZE);
m_calcEngine = make_unique<CCalcEngine>(false /* Respect Order of Operations */, false /* Set to Integer Mode */, m_resourceProvider.get(), nullptr, m_history);
return true;
return true;
// Empty/Error cases
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"", 10).empty(), L"Verify grouping empty string returns empty string.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"12345678", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"12345678", 9), L"Verify grouping on invalid base returns original string");
// Octal
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1 234 567", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567", 8), L"Verify grouping in octal.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"123", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"123", 8), L"Verify minimum grouping in octal.");
// Binary/Hexadecimal
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"12 3456 7890", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567890", 2), L"Verify grouping in binary.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1234", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234", 2), L"Verify minimum grouping in binary.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"12 3456 7890", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567890", 16), L"Verify grouping in hexadecimal.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1234", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234", 16), L"Verify minimum grouping in hexadecimal.");
// Decimal
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1,234,567,890", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567890", 10), L"Verify grouping in base10.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1,234,567.89", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567.89", 10), L"Verify grouping in base10 with decimal.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1,234,567e89", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567e89", 10), L"Verify grouping in base10 with exponent.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"1,234,567.89e5", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"1234567.89e5", 10), L"Verify grouping in base10 with decimal and exponent.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"-123,456,789", m_calcEngine->GroupDigitsPerRadix(L"-123456789", 10), L"Verify grouping in base10 with negative.");
// Binary Number Checks
vector<wstring> validBinStrs{ L"0", L"1", L"0011", L"1100" };
vector<wstring> invalidBinStrs{ L"2", L"A", L"0.1" };
for (wstring const& str : validBinStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 2 /* Binary */));
for (wstring const& str : invalidBinStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_UNK_CH, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 2 /* Binary */));
// Octal Number Checks
vector<wstring> validOctStrs{ L"0", L"7", L"01234567", L"76543210" };
vector<wstring> invalidOctStrs{ L"8", L"A", L"0.7" };
for (wstring const& str : validOctStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 8 /* Octal */));
for (wstring const& str : invalidOctStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_UNK_CH, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 8 /* Octal */));
// Hexadecimal Number Checks
vector<wstring> validHexStrs{ L"0", L"F", L"0123456789ABCDEF", L"FEDCBA9876543210" };
vector<wstring> invalidHexStrs{ L"G", L"abcdef", L"x", L"0.1" };
for (wstring const& str : validHexStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 16 /* HEx */));
for (wstring const& str : invalidHexStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_UNK_CH, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 0, 0, 16 /* Hex */));
// Decimal Number Checks
// Special case errors: long exponent, long mantissa
wstring longExp(L"1e12345");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(longExp, 5 /* Max exp length */, 100, 10 /* Decimal */));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_INPUT_OVERFLOW, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(longExp, 4 /* Max exp length */, 100, 10 /* Decimal */));
// Mantissa length is sum of:
// - digits before decimal separator, minus leading zeroes
// - digits after decimal separator, including trailing zeroes
// Each of these mantissa values should calculate as a length of 5
vector<wstring> longMantStrs{ L"10000", L"10.000", L"0000012345", L"123.45", L"0.00123", L"0.12345", L"-123.45e678" };
for (wstring const& str : longMantStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 100, 5 /* Max mantissa length */, 10 /* Decimal */));
for (wstring const& str : longMantStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_INPUT_OVERFLOW, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 100, 4 /* Max mantissa length */, 10 /* Decimal */));
// Regex matching (descriptions taken from CalcUtils.cpp)
// Use 100 for exp/mantissa length as they are tested above
vector<wstring> validDecStrs{
// Start with an optional + or -
L"+1", L"-1", L"1",
// Followed by zero or more digits
L"-", L"", L"1234567890",
// Followed by an optional decimal point
L"1.0", L"-.", L"1.",
// Followed by zero or more digits
L"0.0", L"0.123456",
// Followed by an optional exponent ('e')
L"1e", L"1.e", L"-e",
// If there's an exponent, its optionally followed by + or -
// and followed by zero or more digits
L"1e+12345", L"1e-12345", L"1e123",
// All together
vector<wstring> invalidDecStrs{ L"x123", L"123-", L"1e1.2", L"1-e2" };
for (wstring const& str : validDecStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(0, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 100, 100, 10 /* Dec */));
for (wstring const& str : invalidDecStrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(IDS_ERR_UNK_CH, m_calcEngine->IsNumberInvalid(str, 100, 100, 10 /* Dec */));
vector<uint32_t> groupingVector{};
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L""), L"Verify empty grouping");
groupingVector = { 1 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"1"), L"Verify simple grouping");
groupingVector = { 3, 0 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"3;0"), L"Verify standard grouping");
groupingVector = { 3, 0, 0 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"3;0;0"), L"Verify expanded non-repeating grouping");
groupingVector = { 5, 3, 2, 4, 6 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"5;3;2;4;6"), L"Verify long grouping");
groupingVector = { 15, 15, 15, 0 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"15;15;15;0"), L"Verify large grouping");
groupingVector = { 4, 7, 0 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(groupingVector, CCalcEngine::DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(L"4;16;7;25;0"), L"Verify we ignore oversize grouping");
wstring result{ L"1234567" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L"", { 3, 0 }, L"1234567", false), L"Verify handling of empty delimiter.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", {}, L"1234567", false), L"Verify handling of empty grouping.");
result = L"1,234,567";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0 }, L"1234567", false), L"Verify standard digit grouping.");
result = L"1 234 567";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L" ", { 3, 0 }, L"1234567", false), L"Verify delimiter change.");
result = L"1|||234|||567";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L"|||", { 3, 0 }, L"1234567", false), L"Verify long delimiter.");
result = L"12,345e67";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0 }, L"12345e67", false), L"Verify respect of exponent.");
result = L"12,345.67";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0 }, L"12345.67", false), L"Verify respect of decimal.");
result = L"1,234.56e7";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0 }, L"1234.56e7", false), L"Verify respect of exponent and decimal.");
result = L"-1,234,567";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0 }, L"-1234567", true), L"Verify negative number grouping.");
// Test various groupings
result = L"1234567890123456";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 0, 0 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify no grouping.");
result = L"1234567890123,456";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify non-repeating grouping.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 3, 0, 0 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify expanded form non-repeating grouping.");
result = L"12,34,56,78,901,23456";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 5, 3, 2, 0 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify multigroup with repeating grouping.");
result = L"1234,5678,9012,3456";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 4, 0 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify repeating non-standard grouping.");
result = L"123456,78,901,23456";
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 5, 3, 2 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify multigroup non-repeating grouping.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(result, m_calcEngine->GroupDigits(L",", { 5, 3, 2, 0, 0 }, L"1234567890123456", false), L"Verify expanded form multigroup non-repeating grouping.");
unique_ptr<CCalcEngine> m_calcEngine;
shared_ptr<IResourceProvider> m_resourceProvider;
shared_ptr<CalculatorHistory> m_history;