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2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Utils.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Common/AppResourceProvider.h"
#include "Common/ExpressionCommandSerializer.h"
#include "Common/ExpressionCommandDeserializer.h"
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
#include "ViewState.h"
using namespace CalculatorApp;
using namespace CalculatorApp::Common;
using namespace concurrency;
using namespace Platform;
using namespace std;
using namespace Utils;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources;
using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::UI::ViewManagement;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Storage;
void Utils::IFTPlatformException(HRESULT hr)
if (FAILED(hr))
Platform::Exception^ exception = ref new Platform::Exception(hr);
String^ Utils::GetStringValue(String^ input)
// Remove first and last " characters
if (input->Length() >= 3)
wstring out(input->Begin() + 1, input->End() - 1);
return ref new String(out.c_str());
return input;
double Utils::GetDoubleFromWstring(wstring input)
wchar_t unWantedChars[] = { L' ', L',', 8234, 8235, 8236, 8237 };
wstring ws = RemoveUnwantedCharsFromWstring(input, unWantedChars, 6);
string inputString(ws.begin(), ws.end());
return ::atof(inputString.c_str());
// Returns windowId for the current view
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
int Utils::GetWindowId()
int windowId = -1;
auto window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
if (window != nullptr)
windowId = ApplicationView::GetApplicationViewIdForWindow(window);
return windowId;
void Utils::RunOnUIThreadNonblocking(std::function<void()>&& function, _In_ CoreDispatcher^ currentDispatcher)
if (currentDispatcher != nullptr)
auto task = create_task(currentDispatcher->RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal,
ref new DispatchedHandler([function]()
// Returns if the last character of a wstring is the target wchar_t
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
bool Utils::IsLastCharacterTarget(_In_ wstring const &input, _In_ wchar_t target)
return !input.empty() && input.back() == target;
// Returns wstring after removing characters like space, comma, and double quotes
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
wstring Utils::RemoveUnwantedCharsFromWstring(wstring input)
wchar_t unWantedChars[] = { L' ', L',', L'"', 8234, 8235, 8236, 8237 };
return RemoveUnwantedCharsFromWstring(input, unWantedChars, 6);
// Returns wstring after removing characters specified by unwantedChars array
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
wstring Utils::RemoveUnwantedCharsFromWstring(wstring input, wchar_t* unwantedChars, unsigned int size)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(), input.end(), unwantedChars[i]), input.end());
return input;
void Utils::SerializeCommandsAndTokens(_In_ shared_ptr<CalculatorVector <pair<wstring, int>>> const &tokens,
_In_ shared_ptr<CalculatorVector<shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand>>> const &commands,
DataWriter^ writer)
unsigned int commandsSize;
// Save the size of the commands vector
2019-01-29 08:24:37 +08:00
SerializeCommandVisitor cmdVisitor(writer);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < commandsSize; ++i)
shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand> exprCmd;
IFTPlatformException(commands->GetAt(i, &exprCmd));
CalculationManager::CommandType commandType = exprCmd->GetCommandType();
unsigned int tokensSize;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tokensSize; ++i)
pair<wstring, int> eachToken;
IFTPlatformException(tokens->GetAt(i, &eachToken));
auto stringData = ref new Platform::String(eachToken.first.c_str());
auto intData = eachToken.second;
const shared_ptr<CalculatorVector<shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand>>> Utils::DeserializeCommands(DataReader^ reader)
shared_ptr<CalculatorVector<shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand>>> commandVector = make_shared<CalculatorVector<shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand>>>();
auto commandVectorSize = reader->ReadUInt32();
CommandDeserializer cmdDeserializer(reader);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < commandVectorSize; ++i)
auto commandTypeInt = reader->ReadInt32();
CalculationManager::CommandType commandType = static_cast<CalculationManager::CommandType>(commandTypeInt);
shared_ptr<IExpressionCommand> exprCmd = cmdDeserializer.Deserialize(commandType);
return commandVector;
const shared_ptr<CalculatorVector <pair<wstring, int>>> Utils::DeserializeTokens(DataReader^ reader)
shared_ptr<CalculatorVector <pair<wstring, int>>> tokenVector = make_shared<CalculatorVector<pair<wstring, int>>>();
auto tokensSize = reader->ReadUInt32();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tokensSize; ++i)
pair<wstring, int> eachToken;
auto stringDataLen = reader->ReadUInt32();
auto stringData = reader->ReadString(stringDataLen);
auto intData = reader->ReadInt32();
eachToken.first = stringData->Data();
eachToken.second = intData;
return tokenVector;
DateTime Utils::GetUniversalSystemTime()
SYSTEMTIME sysTime = {};
FILETIME sysTimeAsFileTime = {};
SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &sysTimeAsFileTime);
ularge.HighPart = sysTimeAsFileTime.dwHighDateTime;
ularge.LowPart = sysTimeAsFileTime.dwLowDateTime;
DateTime result;
result.UniversalTime = ularge.QuadPart;
return result;
bool Utils::IsDateTimeOlderThan(DateTime dateTime, const long long duration)
DateTime now = Utils::GetUniversalSystemTime();
return dateTime.UniversalTime + duration < now.UniversalTime;
task<void> Utils::WriteFileToFolder(IStorageFolder^ folder, String^ fileName, String^ contents, CreationCollisionOption collisionOption)
if (folder == nullptr)
StorageFile^ file = co_await folder->CreateFileAsync(fileName, collisionOption);
if (file == nullptr)
co_await FileIO::WriteTextAsync(file, contents);
task<String^> Utils::ReadFileFromFolder(IStorageFolder^ folder, String^ fileName)
if (folder == nullptr)
co_return nullptr;
StorageFile^ file = co_await folder->GetFileAsync(fileName);
if (file == nullptr)
co_return nullptr;
String^ contents = co_await FileIO::ReadTextAsync(file);
co_return contents;