#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. magic='--calling-python-from-/bin/sh--' """exec" python -E "$0" "$@" """#$magic" if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if sys.argv[-1] == '#%s' % magic: del sys.argv[-1] del magic import getpass import imp import netrc import optparse import os import sys import time try: import urllib2 except ImportError: # For python3 import urllib.request else: # For python2 import imp urllib = imp.new_module('urllib') urllib.request = urllib2 from trace import SetTrace from git_command import git, GitCommand from git_config import init_ssh, close_ssh from command import InteractiveCommand from command import MirrorSafeCommand from subcmds.version import Version from editor import Editor from error import DownloadError from error import ManifestInvalidRevisionError from error import ManifestParseError from error import NoSuchProjectError from error import RepoChangedException from manifest_xml import XmlManifest from pager import RunPager from subcmds import all_commands global_options = optparse.OptionParser( usage="repo [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] COMMAND [ARGS]" ) global_options.add_option('-p', '--paginate', dest='pager', action='store_true', help='display command output in the pager') global_options.add_option('--no-pager', dest='no_pager', action='store_true', help='disable the pager') global_options.add_option('--trace', dest='trace', action='store_true', help='trace git command execution') global_options.add_option('--time', dest='time', action='store_true', help='time repo command execution') global_options.add_option('--version', dest='show_version', action='store_true', help='display this version of repo') class _Repo(object): def __init__(self, repodir): self.repodir = repodir self.commands = all_commands # add 'branch' as an alias for 'branches' all_commands['branch'] = all_commands['branches'] def _Run(self, argv): result = 0 name = None glob = [] for i in xrange(0, len(argv)): if not argv[i].startswith('-'): name = argv[i] if i > 0: glob = argv[:i] argv = argv[i + 1:] break if not name: glob = argv name = 'help' argv = [] gopts, _gargs = global_options.parse_args(glob) if gopts.trace: SetTrace() if gopts.show_version: if name == 'help': name = 'version' else: print >>sys.stderr, 'fatal: invalid usage of --version' return 1 try: cmd = self.commands[name] except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr,\ "repo: '%s' is not a repo command. See 'repo help'."\ % name return 1 cmd.repodir = self.repodir cmd.manifest = XmlManifest(cmd.repodir) Editor.globalConfig = cmd.manifest.globalConfig if not isinstance(cmd, MirrorSafeCommand) and cmd.manifest.IsMirror: print >>sys.stderr, \ "fatal: '%s' requires a working directory"\ % name return 1 copts, cargs = cmd.OptionParser.parse_args(argv) if not gopts.no_pager and not isinstance(cmd, InteractiveCommand): config = cmd.manifest.globalConfig if gopts.pager: use_pager = True else: use_pager = config.GetBoolean('pager.%s' % name) if use_pager is None: use_pager = cmd.WantPager(copts) if use_pager: RunPager(config) try: start = time.time() try: result = cmd.Execute(copts, cargs) finally: elapsed = time.time() - start hours, remainder = divmod(elapsed, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) if gopts.time: if hours == 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'real\t%dm%.3fs' \ % (minutes, seconds) else: print >>sys.stderr, 'real\t%dh%dm%.3fs' \ % (hours, minutes, seconds) except DownloadError as e: print >>sys.stderr, 'error: %s' % str(e) return 1 except ManifestInvalidRevisionError as e: print >>sys.stderr, 'error: %s' % str(e) return 1 except NoSuchProjectError as e: if e.name: print >>sys.stderr, 'error: project %s not found' % e.name else: print >>sys.stderr, 'error: no project in current directory' return 1 return result def _MyRepoPath(): return os.path.dirname(__file__) def _MyWrapperPath(): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'repo') _wrapper_module = None def WrapperModule(): global _wrapper_module if not _wrapper_module: _wrapper_module = imp.load_source('wrapper', _MyWrapperPath()) return _wrapper_module def _CurrentWrapperVersion(): return WrapperModule().VERSION def _CheckWrapperVersion(ver, repo_path): if not repo_path: repo_path = '~/bin/repo' if not ver: print >>sys.stderr, 'no --wrapper-version argument' sys.exit(1) exp = _CurrentWrapperVersion() ver = tuple(map(int, ver.split('.'))) if len(ver) == 1: ver = (0, ver[0]) exp_str = '.'.join(map(str, exp)) if exp[0] > ver[0] or ver < (0, 4): print >>sys.stderr, """ !!! A new repo command (%5s) is available. !!! !!! You must upgrade before you can continue: !!! cp %s %s """ % (exp_str, _MyWrapperPath(), repo_path) sys.exit(1) if exp > ver: print >>sys.stderr, """ ... A new repo command (%5s) is available. ... You should upgrade soon: cp %s %s """ % (exp_str, _MyWrapperPath(), repo_path) def _CheckRepoDir(repo_dir): if not repo_dir: print >>sys.stderr, 'no --repo-dir argument' sys.exit(1) def _PruneOptions(argv, opt): i = 0 while i < len(argv): a = argv[i] if a == '--': break if a.startswith('--'): eq = a.find('=') if eq > 0: a = a[0:eq] if not opt.has_option(a): del argv[i] continue i += 1 _user_agent = None def _UserAgent(): global _user_agent if _user_agent is None: py_version = sys.version_info os_name = sys.platform if os_name == 'linux2': os_name = 'Linux' elif os_name == 'win32': os_name = 'Win32' elif os_name == 'cygwin': os_name = 'Cygwin' elif os_name == 'darwin': os_name = 'Darwin' p = GitCommand( None, ['describe', 'HEAD'], cwd = _MyRepoPath(), capture_stdout = True) if p.Wait() == 0: repo_version = p.stdout if len(repo_version) > 0 and repo_version[-1] == '\n': repo_version = repo_version[0:-1] if len(repo_version) > 0 and repo_version[0] == 'v': repo_version = repo_version[1:] else: repo_version = 'unknown' _user_agent = 'git-repo/%s (%s) git/%s Python/%d.%d.%d' % ( repo_version, os_name, '.'.join(map(str, git.version_tuple())), py_version[0], py_version[1], py_version[2]) return _user_agent class _UserAgentHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def http_request(self, req): req.add_header('User-Agent', _UserAgent()) return req def https_request(self, req): req.add_header('User-Agent', _UserAgent()) return req def _AddPasswordFromUserInput(handler, msg, req): # If repo could not find auth info from netrc, try to get it from user input url = req.get_full_url() user, password = handler.passwd.find_user_password(None, url) if user is None: print msg try: user = raw_input('User: ') password = getpass.getpass() except KeyboardInterrupt: return handler.passwd.add_password(None, url, user, password) class _BasicAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): _AddPasswordFromUserInput(self, msg, req) return urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401( self, req, fp, code, msg, headers) def http_error_auth_reqed(self, authreq, host, req, headers): try: old_add_header = req.add_header def _add_header(name, val): val = val.replace('\n', '') old_add_header(name, val) req.add_header = _add_header return urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed( self, authreq, host, req, headers) except: reset = getattr(self, 'reset_retry_count', None) if reset is not None: reset() elif getattr(self, 'retried', None): self.retried = 0 raise class _DigestAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): _AddPasswordFromUserInput(self, msg, req) return urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401( self, req, fp, code, msg, headers) def http_error_auth_reqed(self, auth_header, host, req, headers): try: old_add_header = req.add_header def _add_header(name, val): val = val.replace('\n', '') old_add_header(name, val) req.add_header = _add_header return urllib.request.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.http_error_auth_reqed( self, auth_header, host, req, headers) except: reset = getattr(self, 'reset_retry_count', None) if reset is not None: reset() elif getattr(self, 'retried', None): self.retried = 0 raise def init_http(): handlers = [_UserAgentHandler()] mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() try: n = netrc.netrc() for host in n.hosts: p = n.hosts[host] mgr.add_password(p[1], 'http://%s/' % host, p[0], p[2]) mgr.add_password(p[1], 'https://%s/' % host, p[0], p[2]) except netrc.NetrcParseError: pass except IOError: pass handlers.append(_BasicAuthHandler(mgr)) handlers.append(_DigestAuthHandler(mgr)) if 'http_proxy' in os.environ: url = os.environ['http_proxy'] handlers.append(urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': url, 'https': url})) if 'REPO_CURL_VERBOSE' in os.environ: handlers.append(urllib.request.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)) handlers.append(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=1)) urllib.request.install_opener(urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers)) def _Main(argv): result = 0 opt = optparse.OptionParser(usage="repo wrapperinfo -- ...") opt.add_option("--repo-dir", dest="repodir", help="path to .repo/") opt.add_option("--wrapper-version", dest="wrapper_version", help="version of the wrapper script") opt.add_option("--wrapper-path", dest="wrapper_path", help="location of the wrapper script") _PruneOptions(argv, opt) opt, argv = opt.parse_args(argv) _CheckWrapperVersion(opt.wrapper_version, opt.wrapper_path) _CheckRepoDir(opt.repodir) Version.wrapper_version = opt.wrapper_version Version.wrapper_path = opt.wrapper_path repo = _Repo(opt.repodir) try: try: init_ssh() init_http() result = repo._Run(argv) or 0 finally: close_ssh() except KeyboardInterrupt: result = 1 except ManifestParseError as mpe: print >>sys.stderr, 'fatal: %s' % mpe result = 1 except RepoChangedException as rce: # If repo changed, re-exec ourselves. # argv = list(sys.argv) argv.extend(rce.extra_args) try: os.execv(__file__, argv) except OSError as e: print >>sys.stderr, 'fatal: cannot restart repo after upgrade' print >>sys.stderr, 'fatal: %s' % e result = 128 sys.exit(result) if __name__ == '__main__': _Main(sys.argv[1:])