#region License /* * HttpConnection.cs * * This code is derived from HttpConnection.cs (System.Net) of Mono * (http://www.mono-project.com). * * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 sta.blockhead * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #endregion #region Authors /* * Authors: * - Gonzalo Paniagua Javier */ #endregion #region Contributors /* * Contributors: * - Liryna * - Rohan Singh */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace WebSocketSharp.Net { internal sealed class HttpConnection { #region Private Fields private byte[] _buffer; private const int _bufferLength = 8192; private HttpListenerContext _context; private bool _contextRegistered; private StringBuilder _currentLine; private InputState _inputState; private RequestStream _inputStream; private HttpListener _lastListener; private LineState _lineState; private EndPointListener _listener; private ResponseStream _outputStream; private int _position; private MemoryStream _requestBuffer; private int _reuses; private bool _secure; private Socket _socket; private Stream _stream; private object _sync; private int _timeout; private Dictionary _timeoutCanceled; private Timer _timer; #endregion #region Internal Constructors internal HttpConnection (Socket socket, EndPointListener listener) { _socket = socket; _listener = listener; _secure = listener.IsSecure; var netStream = new NetworkStream (socket, false); if (_secure) { var conf = listener.SslConfiguration; var sslStream = new SslStream (netStream, false, conf.ClientCertificateValidationCallback); sslStream.AuthenticateAsServer ( conf.ServerCertificate, conf.ClientCertificateRequired, conf.EnabledSslProtocols, conf.CheckCertificateRevocation ); _stream = sslStream; } else { _stream = netStream; } _sync = new object (); _timeout = 90000; // 90k ms for first request, 15k ms from then on. _timeoutCanceled = new Dictionary (); _timer = new Timer (onTimeout, this, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); init (); } #endregion #region Public Properties public bool IsClosed { get { return _socket == null; } } public bool IsSecure { get { return _secure; } } public IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint { get { return (IPEndPoint) _socket.LocalEndPoint; } } public IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint { get { return (IPEndPoint) _socket.RemoteEndPoint; } } public int Reuses { get { return _reuses; } } public Stream Stream { get { return _stream; } } #endregion #region Private Methods private void close () { lock (_sync) { if (_socket == null) return; disposeTimer (); disposeRequestBuffer (); disposeStream (); closeSocket (); } unregisterContext (); removeConnection (); } private void closeSocket () { try { _socket.Shutdown (SocketShutdown.Both); } catch { } _socket.Close (); _socket = null; } private void disposeRequestBuffer () { if (_requestBuffer == null) return; _requestBuffer.Dispose (); _requestBuffer = null; } private void disposeStream () { if (_stream == null) return; _inputStream = null; _outputStream = null; _stream.Dispose (); _stream = null; } private void disposeTimer () { if (_timer == null) return; try { _timer.Change (Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); } catch { } _timer.Dispose (); _timer = null; } private void init () { _context = new HttpListenerContext (this); _inputState = InputState.RequestLine; _inputStream = null; _lineState = LineState.None; _outputStream = null; _position = 0; _requestBuffer = new MemoryStream (); } private static void onRead (IAsyncResult asyncResult) { var conn = (HttpConnection) asyncResult.AsyncState; if (conn._socket == null) return; lock (conn._sync) { if (conn._socket == null) return; var nread = -1; var len = 0; try { var current = conn._reuses; if (!conn._timeoutCanceled[current]) { conn._timer.Change (Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); conn._timeoutCanceled[current] = true; } nread = conn._stream.EndRead (asyncResult); conn._requestBuffer.Write (conn._buffer, 0, nread); len = (int) conn._requestBuffer.Length; } catch (Exception ex) { if (conn._requestBuffer != null && conn._requestBuffer.Length > 0) { conn.SendError (ex.Message, 400); return; } conn.close (); return; } if (nread <= 0) { conn.close (); return; } if (conn.processInput (conn._requestBuffer.GetBuffer (), len)) { if (!conn._context.HasError) conn._context.Request.FinishInitialization (); if (conn._context.HasError) { conn.SendError (); return; } HttpListener lsnr; if (!conn._listener.TrySearchHttpListener (conn._context.Request.Url, out lsnr)) { conn.SendError (null, 404); return; } if (conn._lastListener != lsnr) { conn.removeConnection (); if (!lsnr.AddConnection (conn)) { conn.close (); return; } conn._lastListener = lsnr; } conn._context.Listener = lsnr; if (!conn._context.Authenticate ()) return; if (conn._context.Register ()) conn._contextRegistered = true; return; } conn._stream.BeginRead (conn._buffer, 0, _bufferLength, onRead, conn); } } private static void onTimeout (object state) { var conn = (HttpConnection) state; var current = conn._reuses; if (conn._socket == null) return; lock (conn._sync) { if (conn._socket == null) return; if (conn._timeoutCanceled[current]) return; conn.SendError (null, 408); } } // true -> Done processing. // false -> Need more input. private bool processInput (byte[] data, int length) { if (_currentLine == null) _currentLine = new StringBuilder (64); var nread = 0; try { string line; while ((line = readLineFrom (data, _position, length, out nread)) != null) { _position += nread; if (line.Length == 0) { if (_inputState == InputState.RequestLine) continue; if (_position > 32768) _context.ErrorMessage = "Headers too long"; _currentLine = null; return true; } if (_inputState == InputState.RequestLine) { _context.Request.SetRequestLine (line); _inputState = InputState.Headers; } else { _context.Request.AddHeader (line); } if (_context.HasError) return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { _context.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; return true; } _position += nread; if (_position >= 32768) { _context.ErrorMessage = "Headers too long"; return true; } return false; } private string readLineFrom (byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, out int read) { read = 0; for (var i = offset; i < length && _lineState != LineState.Lf; i++) { read++; var b = buffer[i]; if (b == 13) _lineState = LineState.Cr; else if (b == 10) _lineState = LineState.Lf; else _currentLine.Append ((char) b); } if (_lineState != LineState.Lf) return null; var line = _currentLine.ToString (); _currentLine.Length = 0; _lineState = LineState.None; return line; } private void removeConnection () { if (_lastListener != null) _lastListener.RemoveConnection (this); else _listener.RemoveConnection (this); } private void unregisterContext () { if (!_contextRegistered) return; _context.Unregister (); _contextRegistered = false; } #endregion #region Internal Methods internal void Close (bool force) { if (_socket == null) return; lock (_sync) { if (_socket == null) return; if (!force) { GetResponseStream ().Close (false); if (!_context.Response.CloseConnection && _context.Request.FlushInput ()) { // Don't close. Keep working. _reuses++; disposeRequestBuffer (); unregisterContext (); init (); BeginReadRequest (); return; } } else if (_outputStream != null) { _outputStream.Close (true); } close (); } } #endregion #region Public Methods public void BeginReadRequest () { if (_buffer == null) _buffer = new byte[_bufferLength]; if (_reuses == 1) _timeout = 15000; try { _timeoutCanceled.Add (_reuses, false); _timer.Change (_timeout, Timeout.Infinite); _stream.BeginRead (_buffer, 0, _bufferLength, onRead, this); } catch { close (); } } public void Close () { Close (false); } public RequestStream GetRequestStream (long contentLength, bool chunked) { if (_inputStream != null || _socket == null) return _inputStream; lock (_sync) { if (_socket == null) return _inputStream; var buff = _requestBuffer.GetBuffer (); var len = (int) _requestBuffer.Length; disposeRequestBuffer (); if (chunked) { _context.Response.SendChunked = true; _inputStream = new ChunkedRequestStream (_stream, buff, _position, len - _position, _context); } else { _inputStream = new RequestStream (_stream, buff, _position, len - _position, contentLength); } return _inputStream; } } public ResponseStream GetResponseStream () { // TODO: Can we get this stream before reading the input? if (_outputStream != null || _socket == null) return _outputStream; lock (_sync) { if (_socket == null) return _outputStream; var lsnr = _context.Listener; var ignore = lsnr != null ? lsnr.IgnoreWriteExceptions : true; _outputStream = new ResponseStream (_stream, _context.Response, ignore); return _outputStream; } } public void SendError () { SendError (_context.ErrorMessage, _context.ErrorStatus); } public void SendError (string message, int status) { if (_socket == null) return; lock (_sync) { if (_socket == null) return; try { var res = _context.Response; res.StatusCode = status; res.ContentType = "text/html"; var content = new StringBuilder (64); content.AppendFormat ("

{0} {1}", status, res.StatusDescription); if (message != null && message.Length > 0) content.AppendFormat (" ({0})

", message); else content.Append (""); var enc = Encoding.UTF8; var entity = enc.GetBytes (content.ToString ()); res.ContentEncoding = enc; res.ContentLength64 = entity.LongLength; res.Close (entity, true); } catch { Close (true); } } } #endregion } }