# # Localization # This pipeline uploads English strings files to the localization service, downloads any translated # files which are available, and checks them in to git. This pipeline relies on Microsoft-internal # resources to run. # # Expects a variable called LocServiceKey to contain the OAuth client secret for Touchdown. trigger: none pr: none name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(date:yyMM).$(date:dd)$(rev:rrr) jobs: - job: Localize pool: name: Package ES Custom Demands Lab A demands: - ClientAlias -equals PKGESUTILAPPS workspace: clean: outputs steps: - checkout: self clean: true - task: PkgESSetupBuild@10 displayName: Initialize Package ES inputs: productName: Calculator branchVersion: true - task: PkgESTouchdownLocService@10 displayName: Package ES Touchdown Loc Service inputs: IsCallToServiceStepSelected: true IsCheckedInFileSelected: true CheckinFilesAtOriginFilePath: true GitLocPath: Loc/Resources LocConfigFile: build/config/LocConfigPackageEs.xml AuthenticationMode: OAuth ClientApplicationID: d3dd8113-65b3-4526-bdca-a00a7d1c37ba ApplicationKeyID: $(LocServiceKey) SendToLoc: true